Day League trophy
By 20th April 2017 in News
Having won the Greenacres Day League ‘low road’ this year, the team representing BTS received the rose bowl trophy at last night’s annual Greenacres prize-giving.
In case you’re wondering what this (rather large piece of) silverware looks like, here it is ……
…. it came with appropriate means of liquid celebration for each member of the team (Colin McDougall, Ailsa Wardrop, Moira Muirhead and Brian Lorraine/Lachie Carmichael). Anyone wanting to play/reserve in the Day League next year – use your ‘intentions form’ or contact Ailsa if you’ve already returned the form.
PS Last year’s winners of the trophy, Partick, went on to win the high road this year ! No pressure, then ….
Looks great, Colin. Sorry I missed the prize giving. Quite a trophy! Ailsa